crying family My Kids News politics Spiritual thoughts wife

A Moving Poem

I want to move to a place where there are no tears and there is no sorrow, but that may have to wait until beyond tomorrow.

There is suffering here until death from our birth , we must strive to bring healing while we’re still here on earth.

If we don’t do this- I ask you, who will? We can’t leave our poor earth to those who would kill.

I will pray for the healers to not leave prematurely, while those who love evil can go fast and early.

Unless they would change, and join in the fight- to defeat selfish suffering and uphold what’s right.

family News Spiritual wife

2013 Men’s Advance

(formerly referred to as a Retreat)

Save this date, men, sons, dads, grandfathers, uncles and brothers! There is a brochure you can check out, but no registration form to fill out, Just notify Ezra Engle and get him your $120 check payable to Edgewater Covenant Church to make it a done deal.

News thoughts

To Do Without

Yesterday, my bicycle was stolen.

My Kids News


I have a second daughter as of Sunday, February 21st, 2010. She is perfect, so it seems. Karyn is doing well too. One week before her due date, 7 lbs and half an ounce. Nineteen and three-quarters of an inch long. The hospital has wifi, and I am off work to bond and lend a hand, so why not blog with the other hand?
Photo on 2010-02-22 at 08.57 #3.jpg

News Software

Photo Alternative from Google for Macs

Picasa for Mac: Free download from Google: ”
I am gonna try this out. I hear good things about it from windows users.

News thoughts

Power Corrupts?

I hope this isn’t true.

AT&T screwing its EDGE iPhone users? | 9 to 5 Mac:

Karyn has been having problems with her first generation iPhone (specifically the voice quality and ability to receive calls) ever since she got it. She tells me that she likes the phone and she has text messaged like crazy in a way that she never has before, and used the internet and browser like she never has before in any other phone. The big problem is that she is always having people who try to call her say that it goes straight to voicemail, without her hearing it ring, or seeing any indication that she has missed a call. I have the 3g iPhone, and have had a pretty great experience since 30 days into my contract, when 3g arrived in Antioch, CA. the first 30 days, I had service quite like Karyn gets.
My hope is that if this is true, that the provider makes it right (buys back 1st generation iphones and releases affected customers from their contracts) and acknowledges it. If this is ignored, and proven to be conscious neglect, then this will be an example of power corrupting a business to make decisions for it’s own interests against the good of the customer. I would like to see all wireless devices not locked to any one carrier in the near future, to foster healthy competition.